Tratado de coproducción entre
Francia & Portugal

Tipo de proyecto | Inciar sesión

Fecha de la firma | Inciar sesión

Vigente desde | Inciar sesión

Actividad | Inciar sesión

Patricipación Mínima | Inciar sesión

Versiones | Inciar sesión

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Condiciones específicas

  • Production companies must have a sound technical and financial set-up and professional experience recognized by the competent authority
  • Directors, technicians and performers shall be nationals of either France or Portugal or residents of France or foreigners habitually residing and working in Portugal ; a performer who is not national of neither France nor Portugal is allowed, if required by the film, subject to the joint agreement of the competent authorities of the two countries
  • Studio shooting shall preferably take place in studios located within majority coproduction country
  • Coproduced films shall be shown at festivals and competitions by the country providing the majority coproducer unless otherwise agreed by the coproducers and approved by the competent authorities of both countries
  • A case-by-case basis to the coproduction of films between France and Portugal and countries with which either of them is bound by film coproduction agreements is favoured by the competent authorities of the two countries