Tratado de coproducción entre
Francia & Turquía

Tipo de proyecto | Inciar sesión

Fecha de la firma | Inciar sesión

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Actividad | Inciar sesión

Patricipación Mínima | Inciar sesión

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Condiciones específicas

  • Films shall be made by directors, technicians and performers that are either nationals or residents of France, or nationals or residents of Turkey, or nationals or residents of a country of the European Economic Community.
  • The participation of a performer who is not a national of one of those States may be permitted, if the film so requires, subject to the joint agreement of the competent authorities of the two countries.
  • Studio shooting and lab work shall preferably take place in the country of the majority co-producer.
  • Third country producers may join the co-production, if their country is bound either to France or Turkey by a films co-production agreement.