Tratado de coproducción entre
Croacia & Francia

Tipo de proyecto | Inciar sesión

Fecha de la firma | Inciar sesión

Vigente desde | Inciar sesión

Actividad | Inciar sesión

Patricipación Mínima | Inciar sesión

Versiones | Inciar sesión

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Condiciones específicas

  • Production companies must have a sound technical and financial set-up and professional experience recognized by the competent authority
  • All co-production films shall involve, from both sides, an effective artistic and technical participation
  • Directors, technicians and performers shall be nationals of either France or Croatia or have the status of privileged resident as regards France
  • Co-produced films shall be exported by the majority co-producer
  • Co-produced films shall be shown at international festivals by the country providing the majority producer
  • A case-by-case basis to the co-production of films meeting international standards between France and Bosnia Herzegovina and countries with which both of them are respectively bound by film co-production agreements is favoured by the competent authorities of the two countries