
Fuentes de financiamiento

Objetivo del fondo

Doctv Latinamerica is dedicated to the production and distribution of Latin-American documentaries. It is an initiative of CAACI and is officially run by the DOCTV RED, a strategic structure composed of seventeen audiovisual entities and twenty-two public broadcasters in the Latin-American region. Currently...

Lista de programas y estímulos

Objetivo del fondo

IBERMEDIA's goals are to promote the development of audiovisual productions destined to the Iberoamerican market and their co-productions, to promote the integration of Iberoamerican companies in supranational audiovisual networks. To create a positive environment for the development, training and exchange...

Lista de programas y estímulos

Objetivo del fondo

Our Mission is to promote the Ecuadorian cinematographic and audiovisual creation, and technically control the circulation of audiovisual content for the promotion and national and international diffusion of diverse productions, within the framework of the exercise of cultural sovereignty and good living....

Lista de programas y estímulos


Countries which citizens need a visa for tourism: Afghanistan,BangladeshChina,Eritrea,Ethiopia,Kenya,Nepal,Nigeria,Pakistan,Somalia.  All the other countries can travel to Ecuador without a visa and to remain by a period of ninety days, in application of the principle of free circulation of people and with the purpose of fortifying the relations between Ecuador and all the countries of the world, and promoting the tourism, their passports will be stamped with a T3 permit wich can be changed for a 12V, 12VI, 12VII, 12VIII, 12IX, 12X at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

For additional information about travel restrictions, security warnings, political updates, and basic travel guidelines, please contact the nearest Ecuadorian Embassy.

The standard VAT rate is 12%

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