Traité de coproduction entre
Algerie & Libye

Autres pays | Mauritania, Morocco, Tunisia

Type de projet | Connectez-vous à Olffi

Date de signature | Connectez-vous à Olffi

En vigueur | Connectez-vous à Olffi

Activité | Connectez-vous à Olffi

Participation Min | Connectez-vous à Olffi

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Conditions particulières

  • The percentage of the shares due to the co-producers is fixed in each country with regard to each co-production in agreement with the co-producers concerned. Each co-production in agreement with the co-producers concerned.
  • The films must be made by directors, technicians, and actors of the nationality of the States of the Union according to the needs of the film and after a preliminary agreement between the authorities of the countries concerned. The participation of qualified actors and technical directors of foreign nationality may be authorized.
  • The film must be shot in one of the countries of the Union except if the scenario must resort to sets unavailable in each of the countries of the Arab Maghreb Union. It is preferable to shoot the film's interior scenes in the country of the co-production having the majority.