Traité de coproduction entre
Brésil & Royaume-Uni

Type de projet | Connectez-vous à Olffi

Date de signature | Connectez-vous à Olffi

En vigueur | Connectez-vous à Olffi

Activité | Connectez-vous à Olffi

Participation Min | Connectez-vous à Olffi

Versioning | Connectez-vous à Olffi

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Conditions particulières

  • The total financial contributions of the UK Co
    -producer or Co-producers (taken together), Brazilian and Thrid party coproducers shall not be less than 20% and not more than 70% of the total production cost;
  • The total financial contributions of each Non-
    Party Co-producer shallnot be less than 10% and not more than 20% of the total production cost, unless otherwise agreed upon by the Parties.
  • No more than 20% of the total production cost may be used to source goods and services from outside of: United Kingdom, Brazil, an EEA State, or where there is a Third or Non Party Co-producer, the State or region in which that Co-producer is established
  • all work on the coproduction prior to completion shall be carried out in the UK or Brazil, or where there is a Third Party Coproducer,
  • Effective technical and creative contribution by each coproducer shall generally be proporitional to their financial contribution. The contributions of two or more co-producers from any one country shall be aggregated for this purpose.
  • Coproduction films shall be made, processed, post synchronized and mixed up to the creation of the first release print in the coproducing countries.
  • The majority of the work of making a coproduction, including studio and location shooting, processing and dubbing on the sound track shall be carried out in the country of the co-producer with the major financial contribution, exceptions must be approved by the competent authorities.
  • All participants in the coproduction shall be nationals or residents of the UK, Canada, a Member State, or, where there is a third co-producer, citizens of his country. As an exception, nationals or residents of other countries may take part as leading performers in leading roles in a coproduction film, subject to the approval of the competent authorities.
  • Location filming in a country other than the countries of the participating co-producers must be approved by the competent authorities. In that case, nationals or residents of that country may be employed as additional employees whose services are necessary for the location work
  • Any music specially composed for a coproduction shall be composed, directed and performed by nationals or residents of the UK, Canada, another member State or, where there is a third coproducer, citizens of his country, subject to any exception which is approved by the competent authorities.
  • At least 90% of the photographs included in a coproduction film shall be specially shot for that film, subject to any exception which is approved by the competent authorities.
  • Twinned coproduction films may be accepted as coproductions.