Traité de coproduction entre
Irlande & Luxembourg

Type de projet | Connectez-vous à Olffi

Date de signature | Connectez-vous à Olffi

En vigueur | Connectez-vous à Olffi

Activité | Connectez-vous à Olffi

Participation Min | Connectez-vous à Olffi

Versioning | Connectez-vous à Olffi

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Conditions particulières

  • Coproductions made under this agreement with the approval of the administrative authorities must be considered as national production and receive the same advantage and benefits.
  • Production companies must have the proper technical organization, adequate financial support and recognized professional experience by the competent authorities.
  • Creative, artistic and technical participation must be proportional to the financial participation of each coproducer.
  • Director and all participants shall be nationals or legal residents in Ireland and Luxembourg or UE. If required by the film, professionals not citizens of one of the coproducing countries may be permitted, in exceptional circumstances, and subject to agreement between the competent authorities.