Tratado de coproducción entre
Francia & Rusia

Tipo de proyecto | Inciar sesión

Fecha de la firma | Inciar sesión

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Actividad | Inciar sesión

Patricipación Mínima | Inciar sesión

Versiones | Inciar sesión

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Condiciones específicas

  • Creative, artistic and technical participation must be proportional to the financial participation of each co-producer (at least 1 author, 1 qualified technician, 1 lead actor and 1 supporting actor), exception to minimum staffing requirements is subject to the prior consent of the competent authorities of both countries.
  • Creative, artistic and technical personnel shall be nationals or privileged residents of the coproducing countries. Participation of an internationally renowned performer who is not national of either country may exceptionally be permitted, subject to prior approval of the competent authorities of both coproducing countries.
  • Participation of third-party country producers in the coproduction shall be permitted if their country is bound to one of the coproducing countries by a co-production agreement. The conditions of such participation shall be examined on a case-by-case basis.
  • In relation to films for which the production costs estimates are higher than the overage costs of film productions in the majority country, the minority contribution can exceptionally be limited to no less than 20%.