Traité de coproduction entre
Israël & Suède

Type de projet | Connectez-vous à Olffi

Date de signature | Connectez-vous à Olffi

En vigueur | Connectez-vous à Olffi

Activité | Connectez-vous à Olffi

Participation Min | Connectez-vous à Olffi

Versioning | Connectez-vous à Olffi

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Conditions particulières

  • The technical and artistic participation of each country shall be proportional to its financial participation.
  • Films must be produced by directors, technicians and artists of Swedish/Israeli nationality or who belong to the cultural community of one of these two countries.
  • Participation of an artist who does not meet the requirement of nationality or cultural community may be approved only by exception.
  • The revenues resulting from the exploitation in Sweden of a co-produced film belong to the Swedish co-producer and those resulting from the exploitation of the same film in Israel to the Israeli co-producer.
  • Third country producers may join the co-production, if their country is bound either to Israel or Sweden by a films co-production agreement. The conditions of approval of such co-productions shall be examined separately in each case.