Traité de coproduction entre
Italie & Tunisie

Type de projet | Connectez-vous à Olffi

Date de signature | Connectez-vous à Olffi

En vigueur | Connectez-vous à Olffi

Activité | Connectez-vous à Olffi

Participation Min | Connectez-vous à Olffi

Versioning | Connectez-vous à Olffi

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Conditions particulières

  • All co-production films shall involve, from both sides, an effective artistic and technical participation
  • In any case the Italian minority participation can not be less than 30% of the total budget of the film
  • Films shall be made by directors, technicians and artists that are nationals of Italy or have the status of a privileged resident in Italy, or nationals of Tunisia as regards Tunisia. In exceptional cases, the participation of a performer who is not a national of either country may be accepted.
  • Participation of third-party country performers if the coproduction so requires may exceptionally be permitted, subject to approval of the competent authorities.